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Ten strategies to help you get better sleep


10 strategies to help you get better sleep. You need approximately 8hrs of uninterrupted sleep everyday. Fact. If you are getting less than 8hrs and waking up more than once per night then this is an area of your lifestyle that needs improving. Lack of sleep can: Drive up inflammation within your body. Inflammation is something you do not want more of as it can aggravate other conditions and diseases. It can also [...]

Improve your digestion with these easy tips


Part 2 – Digestion The digestive system is complex. We could write pages and pages of detailed information, which would quite frankly bore you to tears. Instead, do a simple assessment of your digestive health and then follow our basic tips to improve your digestion, day in, day out for a number of weeks and see if this makes a difference. For the majority of our clients it works. Assessing your digestive health [...]

Are you breathing correctly? Try these breathing techniques to alleviate stress


In this 3 part series of Get Healthy, we talk about the foundations to good health: breathing techniques, digestion & sleep. Before you read on, understand that all 3 areas are closely linked and can easily affect one another. Part 1 – Breathing I know what you are thinking. I breathe, If I didn’t I would die. So why do I need to read on? Well, It is how you breathe that we [...]

The Top 6 Benefits of Strength Training for Women

2023-05-10T10:47:12+01:00News, Training|

What are the Benefits of Strength Training for Women? A regrettable fact: women are more likely to underestimate what they can achieve physically than men. And societal expectations, although slowly changing, remain unbalanced. A man capable of lifting heavy weight demonstrates physical prowess. A woman doing the same is  often seen as misplaced. Why does this prejudice exist? Should women lift weights as men do?  What about turning into a She-Hulk? Let’s find out... [...]



IN-PERSON, ONLINE & ONDEMAND We are super excited about reopening our doors on the 27th July and can’t wait to welcome you all back into the gym. It’s time to turn 2020 around, focus on you, your health and finish the year fitter, leaner and stronger. Our number one priority is to #protect all members and staff. We have gone above and beyond the guidelines set out by Government and UK Active [...]

The Single Most Important and Overlooked Factor For Increasing Muscle and Strength


Have you ever wondered why despite training in the gym 3 times per week consistently for 5 years, nothing ever changes? You switch up your program every few weeks, follow the routine, but there is no progress. It’s quite likely that you may have overlooked the single most important factor in getting positive results from your training - progressive overload. You can have the perfect training program, with all parameters optimised for obtaining your [...]

The Missing Piece To Performance: 7 Steps To Establishing A Morning Routine

2023-05-10T10:47:18+01:00Nutrition, News|

If you want to improve your whole day, the missing link might be getting your morning routine right. The blaring alarm shocks you out of a deep sleep, you snooze a couple of times with a feeling of dread, finally manage to drag yourself out of bed in a whirl of anxiety. You rush to the bathroom, checking WhatsApp and Social Media en route, and frantically get dressed for work. You may or may [...]

The ONLY Way to Lose Body Fat

2023-05-10T10:47:18+01:00Nutrition, News|

How many times have you jumped on to the next fad diet, or high-intensity exercise boot camp, only to find you’re spinning your wheels? Read on for our guide: How to lose body fat Everyone intuitively understands that eating less and moving is probably a good idea in order to lose weight. In practice, though, many people find these concepts difficult to implement, especially over anything more than the short-term. With the abundance of [...]

The best kit for home workouts


Get equipped with the best kit for home workouts. See our space saving recommendations and options to suit all budgets below: Dumbbells A pair of adjustable dumbbells will give you the biggest bang for you buck. This versatile bit of kit is our number one recommendation for home gym equipment. Depending on your budget we would recommend the following... On a budget? Go for a pair of adjustable dumbbells with a screw pin collar [...]

Helping you choose the best gym near St Paul’s for you. Our members have their say…


Weighing up which is the best gym near St Paul's for you and your training needs? Here are some of our members explaining the benefits of being part of PROATHLON. We are really proud of our members and the feedback we receive from them as we continue to push the limits with fitness, strength and nutrition. GET FIT. GET LEAN. GET STRONG.

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