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About Cymron Bancil

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So far Cymron Bancil has created 5 blog entries.

The Single Most Important and Overlooked Factor For Increasing Muscle and Strength


Have you ever wondered why despite training in the gym 3 times per week consistently for 5 years, nothing ever changes? You switch up your program every few weeks, follow the routine, but there is no progress. It’s quite likely that you may have overlooked the single most important factor in getting positive results from your training - progressive overload. You can have the perfect training program, with all parameters optimised for obtaining your [...]

Tools to use at home to help you monitor weight

2023-05-10T10:47:16+01:00Nutrition, Lifestyle|

If you want to lose fat and build muscle, our guide to the best tools to use at home to help you monitor weight and track your progress could help. Without a shadow of doubt, it is HARD to maintain the right habits for fat loss in our current environment. Everything is against you: Technology increasingly reduces the need for movement Tasty junk food temptation abounds Processed foods are easier and cheaper to access [...]

How much protein do I need?


Why all the fuss about protein and how much protein do I need? If you’ve ever been on a quest to lose body fat or build muscle, chances are your coach has emphasised protein ad nauseam. Why? What’s the big deal? What’s wrong with your toast and fruit for breakfast? Especially with the growing vegan sustainability movement, you may question whether it’s worthwhile. Seems like a lot of animal-product to consume. Time to clean [...]

The Missing Piece To Performance: 7 Steps To Establishing A Morning Routine

2023-05-10T10:47:18+01:00Nutrition, News|

If you want to improve your whole day, the missing link might be getting your morning routine right. The blaring alarm shocks you out of a deep sleep, you snooze a couple of times with a feeling of dread, finally manage to drag yourself out of bed in a whirl of anxiety. You rush to the bathroom, checking WhatsApp and Social Media en route, and frantically get dressed for work. You may or may [...]

The ONLY Way to Lose Body Fat

2023-05-10T10:47:18+01:00Nutrition, News|

How many times have you jumped on to the next fad diet, or high-intensity exercise boot camp, only to find you’re spinning your wheels? Read on for our guide: How to lose body fat Everyone intuitively understands that eating less and moving is probably a good idea in order to lose weight. In practice, though, many people find these concepts difficult to implement, especially over anything more than the short-term. With the abundance of [...]

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